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Thea Loughery and Sarah Compton have each been in ministry for 37+ years…and that’s a long-time doing Kingdom exploits! We have gained wisdom, insight, understanding and discernment along the way as Jesus has walked with us through the trials and testing of life – in disappointments, challenges, confusion, conflicts, heartaches, and losses - along with great victories and joys.  These are common life experiences through which our faith and character come to full maturity and wholeness (James 1:2-4). We have experienced God’s great love and faithfulness, and we are grateful for all He has done.  Because of this, we partner with Holy Spirit to offer leaders

  • Individual consultations for personal growth and development.

  • Help enable you to fulfill your calling by identifying and removing obstacles to walking in your God-given destiny.

  • Advise and offer strategies, insights, helps for establishing and administrating a ministry.

  • Problem-solve and facilitate reconciliation among ministry teams and congregations.

  • Identify and resolve hindrances to unity and corporate ness within groups and teams, in order to be an answer to Jesus’ prayer in John 17.